Should you pose with your cat in your dating profile pic?
Should you pose with your cat in your dating profile pic? According to researchers at Colorado State University, you should not if you are a male.
While this research sounds like great advice, we found it strange that they only included answers from women between the ages of 18-24. A more age varied study is needed before claiming that “women” find males with cats as less date-able. The sample size is way too small to make a determination that you should not pose with your cat in a dating profile pic.
Wouldn’t it have made more sense to include women between the ages of say 18-40? We think so! It would have made it a far more informative study. We don’t recommend any men follow the advice that you should not pose with your cat in your dating profile picture without some further research.
The important thing to remember is to use pictures that reflect who you are. If owning a cat is important to you, then there is nothing wrong with having a cat in your photos. This, of course, doesn’t apply to all things but cats are popular around the world and we see nothing wrong in using a cat in your photos.
If you wanted to take a look at the study, here’s a link to the full study.