What You Should Never Talk About on a First Date

What You Should Never Talk About on a First Date

There are some topics that you should ever talk about on a first date. Some topics are better left for later into your relationship and others can be immediately off-putting. You have one chance to make a great first impression so make it count! Here are topics to avoid and why:

  • Politics is a hot-button issue and should not be talked about on a first date. It’s too contentious and polarizing. Even if you both have similar political views, you may have differing views on certain things which can lead to arguments that are not suitable for a first date.
  • Don’t talk about your past relationships. No one wants to hear about someone’s ex(es) on a first date. While your intentions might be well-meaning, you could bring up things that might lead your date to question what you’re like in a negative way.
  • Their sexual history is another topic you don’t want to bring up. Don’t ever ask about how many sexual partners they’ve had. It’s none of your business and it’s none of theirs if they ask you. 
  • Marriage and children are too big a topic to discuss on a first date. You may think that you’re better off asking them sooner because you don’t want to waste yours and their time, but you’re not. The first date should be about having fun, getting to know each other, and figuring out if you enjoy spending time with each other. You’re likely to scare them away if you talk about these topics too soon.
  • Negativity is a big turn-off. If you had a bunch of traffic to deal with on the way to your date or you had a really bad day at work and you’re really upset, don’t bring that anger with you. Take a breather in the car before you meet them and try to tune it out as best as you can. No one wants to deal with a downer on a first date.
  • Don’t ask how much money they make. This will make it seem like all you care about is money. Knowing what they do for a living is fine, but don’t be intrusive.
  • Talking about yourself the whole time is easy to do without consciously thinking about it. Be mindful of not doing this by remembering to ask your date questions.
  • Don’t talk about how popular you are on social media. No one cares how many followers you have on Instagram or Twitter. You’re gonna come off as pretentious and hollow.

Now you know what you should never talk about on a first date!

Looking for more first date tips? Check out this article!



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